30 Day Accessibility Challenge

woman walking on staircase

Join the email course

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    To align with Global Accessibility Awareness Day, May 16, 2024, kick off the month with a 30 days challenge to increase the accessibility if your website, app or social media.

    We know accessibility is important but it can be overwhelming, making time is hard to come by and

    Email prompts to make your website, app or social media properties in 20 minutes per day. Accessibility can be overwhelming, there are hundreds of things to consider and knowing where or how to start can be paralyzing. In this 30 day email course, join other web professionals to start small, 20 minutes per day, on one actionable change you can make to increase access to your digital properties.

    One plain text email per day with a 20 minute prompt:

    1. Includes a single accessibility topic
    2. Who it affects and why it is important
    3. How to check for issues on your site/app/content
    4. How to resolve issues in the short and long-term

    Who is running this thing?

    Nick DeNardis has been crafting digital experiences for over 20 years. He oversees digital communications at Wayne State University. He is an IAAP certified professional in web accessibility, holding both CPAAC and WAS credentials. Learn about this history of the challenge.

    Icon by Xinh Studio from Noun Project